how to send cold emails

How To Send Cold Emails? Best Tips To Boost Your Outreach’s Performance

Cold emails have become an integral part of modern business communication, allowing professionals to reach out to potential clients, partners, or influencers. However, the effectiveness of cold emails relies heavily on your prospect list’s quality and how well they are crafted and delivered.

The term “cold email” may evoke images of impersonal and spammy messages, when executed correctly, cold emails can be highly effective in generating leads, driving sales, and establishing valuable connections.

Cold email outreach offers a unique opportunity to make connections and initiate conversations with individuals who may not be familiar with your brand or offerings. It is essential to note that cold emailing is not a numbers game where volume alone guarantees success. Instead, it’s a strategic endeavor that involves careful research, personalization, and persuasive communication.

Research and Preparation

Before embarking on your cold email campaign, it is crucial to invest time in thorough research and preparation. This groundwork will not only help you understand your target audience better but also enable you to craft personalized and impactful messages.

1. Establish Clear Goals and Objectives

Before diving into cold email outreach, it’s crucial to establish clear goals and objectives. Determine what you want to achieve with your email campaign, whether it’s generating leads, promoting a product, or requesting a meeting.

Having a clear direction will guide your email content and overall strategy.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

Conduct thorough research to identify your target audience. Understand their pain points, challenges, and preferences to tailor your messages effectively.

The more you know about your recipients, the better you can personalize your emails and offer compelling solutions that resonate with them.

3. Build a Segmented and High-Quality Email List

Building a segmented and high-quality email list is essential to ensure your emails reach the right people.

Segment your list based on relevant criteria such as industry, job role, or geographic location. It allows you to craft more targeted and relevant messages, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

Ways to send cold emails

Once you have done your research, it’s time to send cold emails. When it comes to sending cold emails, there are several methods and platforms you can use to effectively reach your target audience. Here are some ways to send cold emails:

1. Send Out Cold Emails Manually

One of the most common methods is using your personal or business email account to send out cold email manually one by one.

This allows for a more personalized approach and gives you full control over the content and delivery of your messages. However, it can be time-consuming to send individual emails manually.

2. Cold Email Outreach Tools

Cold email outreach tools streamline and automate the process of sending cold emails. These tools often include features like contact management, personalized email templates, automated follow-ups, and performance analytics.

Aside from dedicated outreach software, there are plugins that can help automate sending cold emails. However, they can mess up your inbox and make it harder to track the performance and follow up with leads. Some popular cold email outreach tools include Mailshake, Mailchip, Woodpecker, and

3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

CRM software such as Salesforce, HubSpot, Intercom or Zoho CRM can be utilized to send cold emails.

These platforms offer email integration, contact management, and automation capabilities, allowing you to send, track and manage your cold email campaigns within a centralized system.

These tools also offer features that help you segment your audience based certain parameters and user behaviors to improve your email marketing performance.

4. LinkedIn Messaging

LinkedIn can be a powerful platform for sending cold messages, particularly for B2B outreach. Utilize LinkedIn messaging to connect with potential prospects, personalize your messages based on their profiles, and establish professional relationships. However, be mindful of LinkedIn’s usage policies and avoid spamming or sending unsolicited messages.

5. Integrated Sales and Marketing Platforms

Integrated sales and marketing platforms like Salesloft, Pardot, or Marketo provide a comprehensive solution for cold email outreach.

These platforms combine various functionalities, including email automation, lead generation, contact management, and performance tracking, to streamline your cold email campaigns.


cold email outreach

Best practices for sending cold emails

Sending cold emails without getting blocked requires careful attention to best practices and compliance with anti-spam regulations. Here are some tips to help you while sending cold emails:

1. Build a Quality Email List

Ensure that your email list consists of individuals or organizations who are likely to be interested in your message. Avoid using outdated, scraped, or low-quality email lists, as this can lead to high bounce rates and trigger spam filters.

Buying an email list from a reputable lead generation tool is always a better option. Limeleads is a leading B2B lead database that offers reliable and affordable email leads for businesses of all sizes. Here are some of the reasons to choose LimeLeads:

  • Free trials
  • No credit card is required
  • Excellent support by lead gen experts is available on any given day
  • Real-time validation technology to ensure data freshness
  • B2B intent data is updated frequently
  • Free detailed resources to boost your lead gen performance.

Click here to preview verified B2B contacts and data based on several requirements

2. Warm up your sending email addresses for cold emailing

You shouldn’t start sending cold emails without first warming up your sending email addresses. This process involves gradually increasing the volume of emails you send while ensuring that your domain receives positive interactions from other mailboxes.

Next, practice sending emails manually to yourself or coworkers and replying to them to simulate real conversations. You can also set up custom domain tracking and turn on the MailFlow Auto Warmer to help automate the process.

Just like training for a marathon, warming up your email address takes time and effort. But with the right preparation and tools, you can improve your email domain reputation and increase the chances that your cold emails will reach their intended recipients

3. Set up DKIM, SPF and DMARC for deliverability

Think of setting up DKIM, SPF, and DMARC as building a fortress to protect your email domain. These protocols act as walls and gates to prevent unauthorized access and ensure that only legitimate emails are sent from your domain.

  • To set up SPF, you need to lay the foundation by adding a new TXT record to your domain’s DNS records. This record acts as a list of approved senders, specifying the server IP addresses that are allowed to send emails as your domain.
  • To set up DKIM, you need to add another layer of protection by generating a public-private key pair and adding a new TXT record to your domain’s DNS records. This record contains the public key and other information required for DKIM, allowing recipients to verify the authenticity of your emails.
  • Finally, to set up DMARC, you need to add the finishing touches by adding another TXT record to your domain’s DNS records. This record contains instructions for receiving servers on how to handle messages that fail SPF and/or DKIM checks.

4. Craft an Excellent Email Subject For an Optimal Open Rate

Crafting an excellent email subject line is like writing a headline for a news article. Just as a headline needs to grab the reader’s attention and entice them to read the article, an email subject line needs to capture the recipient’s attention and entice them to open the email.

Some strategies for crafting winning email subject lines include:

  • Creating a sense of urgency
  • Keeping the character length in check
  • Eliminating words that reduce your open rate
  • Writing a call to action in your subject line, including a number in your subject line, and mentioning popular names.

Think of your email subject line as a hook that draws the reader in. It should be short, sweet, and to the point, conveying the most important information in just a few words.

By following these strategies and experimenting with different approaches, you can craft excellent email subject lines that will help boost your open rates.

5. Personalize Your Emails

Take the time to personalize each email you send. Use the recipient’s name, reference their company or recent achievements, and show genuine interest in their needs or challenges. Personalized emails are more likely to resonate with recipients and avoid triggering spam filters.

Continuously invest time in researching your recipients and personalizing your emails. Avoid generic and overly sales-focused content. Show genuine interest and empathy in your communications.

6. Avoid Spam Trigger Words and Phrases

Be mindful of the language you use in your email subject lines and content. Avoid using spam trigger words or phrases that can raise red flags for spam filters. Examples include excessive use of exclamation marks, all caps, or phrases like “free,” “limited time offer,” or “make money fast.”

Avoid bombarding recipients with excessive emails, as it may lead to irritation or being marked as spam.

7. Monitor Email Deliverability

Keep an eye on your email deliverability rates and monitor any issues that arise. Regularly check your bounce rates, spam complaint rates, and email open rates. High bounce rates or spam complaints can negatively impact your sender’s reputation and increase the likelihood of being blocked.

8. Test and Optimize

Continuously test and optimize your cold email campaigns. Experiment with different subject lines, email structures, and calls to action. Analyze the data and metrics from your campaigns to identify what works best and refine your approach accordingly.

9. Respect Unsubscribe Requests

Honor unsubscribe requests promptly and ensures that recipients are removed from your email list. Failing to respect unsubscribe requests can result in spam complaints and damage your sender’s reputation.

10. Maintain Consistency and Relevance

Be consistent in your email-sending practices and ensure that your content is relevant to the recipients. Sending sporadic or irrelevant emails can raise suspicions.

11. Dealing with Rejections and Negative Responses

Not every cold email will receive a positive response. Learn to handle rejections gracefully, and consider following up with a polite and personalized response. Use negative responses as an opportunity to gather feedback and refine your approach.


Mastering the art of cold emailing requires a strategic approach, personalization, and continuous refinement. Remember to focus on building genuine connections, delivering value, and consistently refining your approach based on data and feedback.

With practice and persistence, cold emails can become a powerful tool for expanding your network, generating leads, and achieving your business objectives at a low cost.