different types of leads

Different Types of Leads & How To Nurture Them Into Clients

Potential customers who have expressed interest in a company’s offerings and have given their contact information for further communication are known as business leads.

These leads can be classified into various types such as marketing-qualified leads, sales-qualified leads, and product-qualified leads, each with its own distinct traits.

To turn these leads into paying customers, businesses must adopt different strategies for each type of lead. This article delves into the various kinds of business leads and how companies can efficiently handle and cultivate them to boost sales and revenue.

Understand business leads

Business leads are individuals who have expressed an interest in a company’s offerings and have shared their contact details for further communication. These leads hold the potential for future sales and revenue generation for the business.

Business leads can be categorized into various types, depending on their engagement level with a company and the likelihood of them making a purchase. Some frequently encountered types of business leads are marketing-qualified leads, sales-qualified leads, and product-qualified leads.

The role of lead generation in business growth

The process of identifying and nurturing potential customers for a company’s products or services is known as lead generation. This is an essential component of business growth as it helps to expand the customer base and drive sales and revenue growth.

There are several ways to generate leads, including advertising, direct mail, telemarketing, and events. However, with the rise of the digital age, online lead generation has become increasingly popular.

Businesses now use tactics such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and social media marketing to attract potential customers.

Understand different types of leads

Comprehending the various types of business leads is crucial for a number of reasons. It enables businesses to customize their marketing and sales strategies to meet the specific requirements and interests of each lead type. This can enhance the effectiveness of these strategies and ultimately result in increased sales.

1. Marketing-qualified leads

Marketing-qualified leads, also known as MQLs, are individuals who have expressed interest in a company’s products or services by engaging with its marketing content.

This could include filling out a form, downloading a whitepaper, or attending a webinar. These leads are considered to have a higher likelihood of becoming customers compared to other leads, as they have already shown interest in what the company has to offer.

MQLs play a crucial role in the sales funnel, representing potential customers who are already familiar with the company’s brand. By nurturing these leads and providing them with relevant information and offers, businesses can increase their chances of converting them into paying customers.

2. Sales-qualified leads

Sales-qualified leads, also known as SQLs, are individuals who have been evaluated by the sales team and determined to be ready for direct sales follow-up. They may have shown a clear interest in purchasing or requested a product demonstration.

These leads are considered to have a higher likelihood of becoming customers compared to other leads, as they have already shown a strong intent to buy.

SQLs play a crucial role in the sales funnel, representing potential customers who are already familiar with the company’s brand and have expressed a strong interest in making a purchase.

By following up with these leads and providing them with relevant information and offers, businesses can increase their chances of converting them into paying customers.

3. Product-qualified leads

Product-qualified leads, also known as PQLs, are individuals who have engaged with a company’s product through a free trial or freemium model and have shown significant engagement with the product.

They may be prepared to upgrade to a paid version or have inquired about pricing and features. These leads are considered to have a higher likelihood of becoming customers compared to other leads, as they have already shown interest in the product through their usage.

PQLs play a crucial role in the sales funnel, representing potential customers who are already familiar with the company’s product. By following up with these leads and providing them with relevant information and offers, businesses can increase their chances of converting them into paying customers.

Strategy to nurture different types of leads

The process of nurturing different types of leads is a crucial component of the sales process. It involves delivering relevant information and offers to leads in order to assist them in progressing further down the sales funnel and ultimately becoming paying customers.

1. Nurturing strategy for Marketing-qualified leads

Nurturing Marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) is crucial in converting them into sales-qualified leads (SQLs). These are some strategies that can be employed in nurturing MQLs:

  • Employ targeted content: Tailor content such as blog posts, whitepapers, webinars etc., that cater to the interests, goals and objectives of MQLs.
  • Utilize multi-channel nurturing: Engage MQLs on multiple channels like email, social media and website to reach them where they are most active and provide consistent messaging across all channels.
  • Incorporate multiple touches: Multiple touches are often required to convert an MQL into an SQL. Use a combination of content and communication methods to engage with leads over time.
  • Follow-up in a timely manner: Timely follow-ups help keep the brand at the forefront of the lead’s mind. This can include sending follow-up emails after content download or scheduling calls after webinar attendance.
  • Personalize the approach: Personalization can enhance the effectiveness of lead nurturing efforts. Use information about MQLs to tailor communications and provide a personalized experience.

2. Nurturing strategy for Sales-qualified leads

Nurturing sales-qualified leads involves providing them with relevant information and support to help them make a decision.

This process is interactive, as it involves receiving feedback and addressing any doubts or concerns that the lead may have, in order to build trust and confidence over time. Some effective strategies for nurturing sales-qualified leads include:

  • Utilizing relevant content: Create and deliver content that is specifically tailored to the interests, needs, and pain points of your target audience. By providing relevant and valuable information, you can guide your leads through the buyer’s journey and move them closer to making a purchase.
  • Engaging through multiple touchpoints: Reach out to your leads through a variety of channels, such as email, social media, and targeted ads. By engaging with your leads through multiple touchpoints, you can increase the chances of staying top-of-mind and building a stronger relationship with them.
  • Scoring leads: Rank leads based on their level of engagement and fit with your product or service. By assigning scores to your leads, you can prioritize your efforts and focus on nurturing the most qualified leads.
  • Re-engaging based on email engagement: Monitor the engagement levels of your leads and use this information to re-engage them with relevant content or offers. By staying top-of-mind and providing value to your leads, you can increase the chances of converting them into customers.
  • Nurturing with social proof: Provide social proof, such as customer testimonials or case studies, to help build trust with your leads and increase the chances of converting them into customers.

Click here to preview verified prospect lists

3. Nurturing strategy for Product-qualified leads

Nurturing product-qualified leads is crucial for building trust and confidence in your brand and converting them into paying customers. Here are some strategies for nurturing these leads:

  • Define what makes a lead product-qualified: Understand the factors that make a lead product-qualified, such as their engagement with your product or interactions with your sales team.
  • Implement lead scoring: Use a lead scoring system to rank and prioritize your most promising product-qualified leads.
  • Categorize your leads: Divide your product-qualified leads into segments based on their behavior, interests, and demographics to deliver more personalized and relevant content.
  • Utilize marketing automation: Employ marketing automation tools to deliver timely and personalized content to your product-qualified leads.
  • Offer high-quality content: Provide high-quality content such as whitepapers, case studies, and webinars that cater to the specific needs and challenges of your product-qualified leads.
  • Interact on social media: Engage with your product-qualified leads on social media platforms by sharing pertinent content, responding to their queries, and participating in relevant discussions.
  • Propose exclusive deals: Offer exclusive deals or discounts to your product-qualified leads as an incentive for them to make a purchase.

different types of leads


The challenges of nurturing different types of leads

Nurturing various types of leads can present several challenges. One such challenge is establishing the appropriate timeframe for initiating lead nurturing endeavors.

Persisting long after a lead has grown cold can have negative consequences, but abandoning efforts too early to pique interest may result in the loss of leads that merely required additional time.

An additional challenge is determining the optimal frequency for contacting leads. Generally, the majority of businesses opt to make more frequent, informative offers to leads at the top of the sales funnel.

There are several popular digital marketing strategies that businesses use to generate leads. Some of these strategies include:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): By optimizing your website for search engines, you can improve your visibility and attract more potential leads to your site.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: With PPC advertising, you can target specific keywords and demographics to attract potential leads to your site.
  • Content marketing: By creating and sharing valuable content, you can attract potential leads and establish your business as a thought leader in your industry.
  • Social media: Social media platforms provide a great opportunity to connect with potential leads and share content that can attract them to your business.
  • Email marketing: Email marketing campaigns allow you to reach out to potential leads and nurture them until they are ready to become customers.
  • Webinars: Organizing webinars provides an opportunity to share valuable information with potential leads and establish a relationship with them.

These are just a few of the many strategies that businesses use to generate leads through digital marketing. The right mix of strategies will depend on your business’s resources and goals. It’s important to experiment with different tactics and measure their effectiveness in order to find the best approach for your business.

Cold emailing | A powerful method to generate leads effectively

Cold emailing is a powerful method for generating leads effectively. It involves sending unsolicited emails to potential customers in an attempt to establish a relationship and ultimately convert them into paying customers.

One of the benefits of cold emailing is that it allows you to reach new prospects. It is also less intrusive than cold calling and is highly scalable and inexpensive. With the right tools, you can easily send hundreds or even thousands of messages at once, and if you land even a small number of sales from the effort, you’ll instantly pay for your efforts many times over.

However, cold emailing can be challenging because you have no relationship with your audience yet, and you lack non-verbal feedback, so you can’t modify your approach in real-time. As a result, most cold emails fail. To increase the chances of success, it is important to carefully plan and execute your cold emailing strategy.

Some tips for effective cold emailing include ensuring that you’re sending to valid recipients, verifying your email list, avoiding using your primary domain, warming up your email address before sending any cold outreach, improving your formatting, limiting your number of images, drip-feeding your emails throughout the course of the day, eliminating spam trigger words, not repeating your messages, and improving engagement rates.


In conclusion, there are a variety of lead types that businesses can generate through different marketing strategies. These strategies include website optimization and SEO, PPC advertising, content marketing, social media, email marketing, and webinars.

Businesses looking to generate leads have many options available to them. The key is to find the right combination of strategies that work for your business and to continually experiment and measure their effectiveness in order to improve your lead generation efforts.

By understanding the different types of leads and how to effectively generate them, businesses can increase their chances of success and expand their customer base.