What 1M+ Cold Email Replies Reveal About Sales Follow Ups

Follow-up sales emails are an essential part of generating opportunities. A majority of buyers won’t immediately be in-market, so every sales touch you make should add value, showcase the problems you solve, and keep your brand top-of-mind. As buyers move from unaware to finding a solution, they’ll remember the relevant, compelling messages that influenced their […]

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5 Modern Spam Triggers to Avoid with Cold Email

The best email messages out there can’t make an impact if they never end up in the inbox of their target recipients. Maintaining cold email deliverability used to be easy to achieve and it boiled down into simple best practices that companies could quickly learn. Today it’s a pitched battle against Internet Service Providers (ISPs) […]

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Influence B2B Buyers on Social Before Going Outbound

While cold email is a very effective outbound sales prospecting tool, it’s not the only channel you should use to engage with qualified leads. Even with precise targeting and great messaging, it’s still a battle to win mindshare and stick out amongst the hundreds of outbound emails recipients likely get each day. Combining LinkedIn social […]

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7 Easy & Actionable B2B Email Personalization Tactics

In this era of information overload, buyers are rapidly evolving their inbox behavior. The fewer emails in their inbox, the easier their day ultimately becomes. Even if your cold email gets opened, you still have to motivate buyers to invest time with you or (at the very least) keep you on their radar for the […]

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Your Market Impacts Cold Email Success

Like natural resources, outbound sales prospecting with a channel like cold email is dictated by the number and type of qualified buyers available to you. In less than 400 years, the American Buffalo population drastically dropped from 30M+ to hundreds because of how industry players approached the Buffalo hunting market. Without an understanding of how to […]

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Personalizing Cold Emails for Different Selling Situations

The number of touches you can consistently produce in a cold email campaign is limited by the amount of time you spend targeting leads and personalizing cold messaging. This balance between volume and personalization is unique to each company and continuously changes as new competitors, strategies, and buyer behaviors emerge. Even with automation and an […]

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Know the Deal Stakeholders in a Sale Before You Cold Email

Sometimes you’ll have the opportunity to close a deal by sending cold emails to a single person and getting their buy-in as the primary decision-maker. However, most sales involve multiple deal stakeholders across several departments, each with different needs, concerns, and points of view in the buying process. If you don’t have an understanding of […]

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Who You Target with Outbound Defines Your Sales Outcomes

Somewhere out there, the right type of customer for your brand is hitting the tipping point and experiencing enough pain to drive them to a purchasing decision. There are also thousands of companies that will never be the right fit for your solution. The challenge with outbound sales is being able to distinguish the good […]

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How to Send Follow Up Sales Emails Without Being Annoying

Life is busy for buyers. Decision-makers often receive more outbound messages than they can process in a day, which makes it hard for sellers to earn their valuable time. In fact, TopoHQ found it takes an average of 18 dials to connect with a buyer for the first time using an outbound sales channel like […]

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4 Steps to Prioritizing Outbound Sales Leads

Outbound sales prospecting gives you the power to choose who you contact, which means you need a clear idea of who to target or avoid with your cold emails. Proper targeting requires evaluating the markets potentially available to your team and agreeing on the best types of companies and prospects to target with outbound email. […]

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