Landscape Contractor Leads – Cold Outreach Lead Generation Guide

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September 1, 2022

landscape contractor leads

Landscape contractor leads are professionals specialized in the design and construction of residential and commercial areas. They are responsible for the layout, installation, maintenance, and repair of landscapes.

Landscape contractor leads are the people who work in executive positions and have the power to make decisions. They are responsible for making decisions that can result in the success or failure of their business.

If you have the right lead generation strategy and follow-through, you can turn landscape contractors into customers.

Which businesses can sell to landscape contractor leads?

Landscape contractors are in high demand for several reasons, including the fact that their services can make your property look more attractive and increase its value.

If you have a business that sells products or services to landscape contractors, finding a way to effectively generate landscape contractor leads should be a priority.

Landscape contractors are the experts in their field and can help businesses of all sizes and industries. It includes:

  • Landscaping for business parks and office complexes
  •  Retail stores and shopping centers need landscaping
  • Landscaping for golf courses and country club
  • Property owners who need to spruce up their properties
  • Landscaping for residential homes, condominiums, townhomes, and apartments
  • Businesses looking to expand or open up a new location

What are the data points of ideal landscape contractor leads?

Having ideal landscape contractor leads is the basis of the lead generation process. Targeting low-quality b2b leads can result in zero sales even if you have a talented and professional marketing team at your back.

Several points can help to determine the quality of b2b leads. The basic parameters to consider are:

  • First/last name
  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Website
  • Email
  • Social media accounts (Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook)
  • Company address, State, City & ZIP
  • Company phone number
  • Employee Size & Annual revenue
  • Website technology stack
  • Industry & SIC codes

All the mentioned data points describe your b2b data and help you create a good marketing strategy for your business.

How can you find high-quality landscape contractor leads?

1. Use relevant keywords on Google

Google is one of the most popular search engines on the internet. If you want to find high-quality landscape contractor leads, you should first find out what are the relevant keywords for your business.

All you need to do is enter some relevant keywords that describe the businesses that you’re looking for and see what comes up as a search result and then, collect the contact information one by one.

The most challenging part of this method is that it takes a lot of time and effort since you’re collecting data manually.

2. Find landscape contractor leads on social media

If you’re not already on Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram, now might be a good time to start networking with landscape contractors. You can follow the right groups and see what comes up in the news feed of your target audience.

Being friends with landscape contractors is a great way to generate very high-quality leads. Leads are most likely to convert when they trusted you.

Much like the 1st strategy above, this way takes a lot of time and effort, however, the conversion rate is usually much higher.

3. Ask current customers for referrals

If you have a good relationship with your customers that know some landscape contractors, they will be happy to recommend them to you.

It’s much easier for them to become your clients since their friends who are your existing customers have high praises for you.

If you need landscape services, make sure you ask them whether or not the contractor provides high-quality services, and whether it’s affordable. If so, it’s time for you to contact this contractor!

4. Reach the b2b leads with paid advertising

One of the most effective ways to find high-quality landscape contractor leads is through paid advertising. It can be done through Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and social media ads in general.

Facebook provides a type of ads that is designed specially for lead generation. FB Lead Gen Ads makes it easy for prospects to fill in their contact information and become your leads.

Paid advertising is a great way to reach out to a specific audience and can be an effective tool for finding the best landscape contractors in your area. However, most small to medium-sized businesses find it expensive.

If you decide to take on paid ads for lead generation, you need a good budget for it. Usually, the cost will go down as you go, but it will still cost you quite a lot.

5. Use a b2b lead generation database

Another option for finding high-quality landscape contractor leads is using a b2b lead generation database like LimeLeads.

If you use a reliable B2B leads database, it will probably be the most effective and affordable way to generate leads fast.

Limeleads’ database is composed of many professionals and decision-makers who are working for landscape contractors across the US.

You can either contact them directly or use their contact information as part of your pipeline process.

Our b2b sales database contains thousands of listings that include information about various landscaper contractors, including their contact details, industry, location, and other essential information.

Why should you choose LimeLeads?

Cold emailing vs. cold calling – which is best for landscape contractor leads?

There are two popular ways to get in touch with landscape contractors: cold calling and cold emailing.

b2b landscape contractors

Cold calling is a sales technique that uses the telephone as the primary sales tool. Cold emailing, on the other hand, can be used for a variety of purposes including marketing, prospecting, sales, and building relationships.

The main difference between cold calling and cold emailing is that cold calling involves making calls to make sales in person or over the phone. Cold emailing involves sending emails to prospects with offers and links through your website or service provider’s website.

Cold emailing takes less time and is more manageable, while cold calling help to initiate a direct conversation with the customers.

If you are thinking about choosing the best option, which channel you should skip, and which one you choose for landscape contractor leads, here are some points to consider before making the final decision.

Pros and cons of cold calling


  • You get a fast response with cold calling
  • You can have a one-to-one conversation with customers
  • Sales calls can be made from anywhere, even from home


  • A direct NO can dishearten your sale team
  • Cold calling is a time-taking process
  • It can result in annoyed customers and inconsistent results
  • A poor cold call can hurt your brand image

Pros and cons of cold emailing


  • Cold emails are cheap and easy to scale up
  • You have complete control over your message
  • Cold emails can be personal, which means they feel more genuine and authentic
  • It is less frustrating for both sender and receiver
  • Cold emails help to increase brand awareness and build relationships


  • Cold emails don’t result in an immediate response from the recipients
  • Sometimes cold emails never reach the customers
  • Cold emailing requires skills and has high competition

Cold call vs. cold email – Should you use both?

In today’s world of online marketing, cold emailing is becoming more popular than before because it is effective at building trust and rapport with customers interested in hearing from companies like yours.

But we recommend using cold calls and email marketing in combination (with the main focus on cold emailing) to create a powerful lead generation strategy that will help you grow your business.

When you’re trying to close deals with landscape contractor leads, it’s recommended to have both cold calling and cold emailing campaigns in your arsenal.

Cold calling can be used to generate leads and get the attention of potential customers fast if done properly. Once you have their attention, you can email them to find out about their needs and what they are looking for in a product or service.

Key to successful outreach lead generation

Outreach lead generation is a great way to build your audience, but it can be a tough and time-consuming process.

To make it easier, here are some tips for success in cold outreach lead generation:

1. Focus on qualified landscape contractor leads

The first step towards successful cold outreach lead generation is to stop wasting your time on unqualified leads.

Sales team usually waste their resources on the bad, which ultimately clog up their sales pipeline.

By targeting qualified leads, you’ll be able to identify the people who will be the best fit for your business and make sure that they feel comfortable with the way you present yourself and sell.

The best way to get qualified leads is to use a lead generation tool like LimeLeads.

2. Have a strong game plan

The first step in cold outreach is to have a clear game plan.

What are you trying to achieve with this outreach campaign? Can you answer the questions? How will you identify those interested in your product or service? What do you want to achieve?

The best way to do this is to write down your goals and objectives for the program; then, once you’ve defined them, make sure that they are measurable.

3. Ask the questions at the start

Another most important thing you can do to increase your chances of success with cold outreach is to ask the right questions at the start.

In many cases it’s not enough to send your pitch email out; you need to be prepared for any possible responses that come back. So make sure you ask questions to your potential customers.

It could be anything from whether or not they would like more information about your services (and therefore more leads) or if they have any specific questions or concerns about your products/services.

4. Measure the results

Cold outreach is powerful for generating leads, but without proper measurement, it can be easy to lose sight of the impact you are making on your business.

You need to know how much you’re improving your company’s sales. To do that, you have to measure your progress. You should track how many leads you generate per month and see if you have a positive or negative trend.

If there is a downward trend, then it means that cold outreach is not working for your business anymore or you aren’t running your campaigns properly and need adjustments.


Whether you are going for cold calling or cold emailing, you always have to start with high-quality prospects. Otherwise, you won’t be able to reach your prospects.

Always use a high-quality b2b sales database to generate a report of the companies that fall into your target market to start your outreach campaign. It will help you reach the right people at the right time with the right message.

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