Inbound Email Marketing – Definition, Benefits, & Strategies

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January 2, 2023

inbound email marketing

Email marketing is one of the most powerful forms of marketing. It’s also a phenomenally powerful inbound marketing tool if done right. If you aren’t using email marketing to grow your business, you’re missing out on a big opportunity.

Even with the plethora of marketing tools available today, email is still the best way to communicate with potential customers. Users are lured in by compelling subject lines and motivated to take action thanks to highly personalized content. From product launches to customer surveys, inbound email marketing is here for good.

What is inbound email marketing?

Inbound email marketing is a strategy that helps you generate leads and customers by capturing the attention of prospects. It’s all about the customer experience, and it works by sending timely and relevant emails that help you convert these leads into paying customers.

Inbound email marketing refers to the process of creating, sending, and tracking emails that are sent to your subscribers. These emails increase conversions, which is why they’re also known as “conversion-focused” emails.

The key difference between inbound and outbound marketing is that while outbound marketers spend money (advertising) to reach their target audience, inbound marketers focus on building an audience that finds them without paying for ads. For this strategy to work, the company must have a website that’s easy for customers to navigate and find what they need.

How is an inbound email marketing strategy beneficial for your business?

Inbound email marketing is a way to create and send emails to your subscribers based on their actions. This approach to email marketing allows you to reach out to people who’ve shown interest in your products or services. You can also use your inbound emails to build relationships with potential customers, then convert them into customers.

Inbound email marketing helps businesses:

1. Increase sales

Use inbound emails to nurture leads toward a purchase decision. For example, you could send an email with tips on how to use the product they’re interested in buying or information on a related product they might like.

2. Build trust and credibility

Email is one of the most effective ways to build trust with your customers. It allows them to get to know you on a personal level and see how you operate as a business.

Inbound email marketing can help build that sense of trust so that when they need your product or service, they’ll think of you first.

3. Increases conversions

As long as your content is relevant and helpful, inbound emails can drive higher conversion rates than other types of email marketing campaigns such as cold emailing because they’re sent out automatically based on users’ actions online (like visiting certain pages or clicking links).

4. Increase the customer lifetime value

A well-executed inbound email strategy helps you build long-term relationships with customers and increase their lifetime value by keeping them engaged over time. In fact, according to one study, companies that send an average of 12 emails per month have a 28% higher customer retention rate compared with those that send no emails at all!

Tips to get the most out of inbound email marketing

Inbound email marketing is an effective way to reach your audience, but it’s not as simple as firing off outbound emails.

email marketing

Follow these tips to get the most out of your inbound strategy:

1. Get permission first

Inbound email marketing is much more effective when recipients opt-in to receive your emails because they’re more likely to engage with your content. Use popups on your website to encourage visitors to sign up for an account and receive updates from you in their inboxes.

2. Make sure your email has a clear call to action.

Email marketing can be a great way to generate leads, but it’s essential to ensure you’re not sending too many emails. Sending too many emails can cause your subscribers to unsubscribe from your list, which is a bad thing!

To avoid this problem, ensure that your emails always have clear call-to-actions so subscribers know what they should do next after reading your email.

3. Personalize the subject line — but not too much!

A personalized subject line will increase open rates by 14% over non-personalized emails according to Email Marketing Benchmark Report. However, don’t go overboard with personalization because it can start to feel spammy.

4. Use images and videos in your emails.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and so is a video. According to Hubspot’s State of Inbound Report 2016, 78% of people prefer visual content over text when consuming content online — so why not capitalize on this trend by using images and videos in your emails?

5. Don’t send automated messages unless it’s necessary.

Automated messages are usually those prewritten ones that say “thank you for subscribing” or something similar — they’re usually not personalized to each subscriber, which means that they don’t add any value to them! Instead of using them all the time, try sending personalized messages instead; this way each subscriber will know that you are meeting their needs.

6. Send targeted emails based on user behavior

If someone has visited your site recently but hasn’t subscribed yet, send them a targeted inbound email campaign tailored specifically for new visitors or people who have just signed up for your list.

How to make your inbound email marketing strategy better?

Inbound email marketing is a strategy that can help you get new customers and retain your existing ones. It’s a simple way to connect with people interested in what you have to offer.

But before you start the campaign, there are some things to consider.

  • First, ensure your email marketing plan is aligned with your overall marketing strategy. You don’t want to start an email campaign without knowing where it fits into the larger picture of your business.
  • Next, consider how often you want to send emails and what days or times will be best for reaching your target audience. For example, if you sell products that are most popular among teenagers or young adults who work during the day, sending emails during evening hours might be better than during the morning when they’re at school or work.
  • Be sure to include links in your emails so readers can easily find more information about products or services from within their inboxes rather than having to visit a website manually each time they want more information about something mentioned in an email.

The bottom line

To be successful in today’s marketing landscape, you must stand out. Inbound marketing is one of the most effective ways to get your message across to customers and generate sales.

Make sure you have a cohesive inbound email strategy for your business by developing an opt-in email list to stay connected with your customers. The longer your list grows, the more trust you build with your target audience, and the greater your chances of making a sale.

To boost and maximize your sales generation effort, it’s highly recommended to run cold emailing alongside inbound email marketing campaigns.

Cold emailing is the most affordable and effective way to generate leads and sales fast, especially when utilizing excellent lead databases. This is our detailed guide on how to do cold emailing properly

At Limeleads, a leading B2B lead database, we provide our users with a risk-free experience and unbeatable values as follows:

  • Free trials, no credit card is required.
  • Excellent support with lead gen experts available any day.
  • Top-notch data quality with 2 layers of real-time verification.
  • Refund policies.
  • Generous discounts for first-time clients.
  • $79 detailed cold emailing course free of charge for subscribers.

Let’s sign up now and get your free trials and expert support to start your lead and sales generation campaigns right!

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