Buy Verified Travel Leads | A Legit Way To Obtain Excellent Leads Fast

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December 23, 2022

Buy verified travel leads

Buying leads is one of the fastest ways to obtain leads and generate sales. Similarly to other lead generation methods, leads obtained this way will need to be contacted by using either cold emailing or calling to make or keep them interested in what your business has to offer.

Like any digital marketing strategy, buying leads has its own pros and cons, but if you generate and reach out to them properly, buying leads will have a lot more advantages than disadvantages. We will talk about this later in this article.

What are travel leads?

Travel leads can be understood as the following but not limited to:

  • Individuals that are looking to buy travel services for themselves.
  • People that are looking to buy travel services for their companies (such as travel tours)
  • Businesses that operate in the travel industry

Businesses that are trying to generate travel leads view them as potential clients. For those who offer services or products for travel leads, generating excellent travel leads effectively means success for the companies.

What are verified travel leads?

Verified travel leads are potential clients in the travel industry whose contact information and other data about them are accurate.

Leads that aren’t verified are hard to reach out to since they may not exist or their contact information is invalid.

For example, if you got a list of travel leads from a bad data provider, you will find that you’re not able to contact many of them due to wrong phone numbers or email addresses.

Unverified travel leads usually have wrong data about them such as wrong addresses, job titles, experience, or/and companies. Using the wrong information about them in your calls or emails will end up wasting your time, effort, and money, and harming your business’ image.

Therefore, you must always pay close attention to your travel leads’ data accuracy.

What are the pros and cons of buying travel leads?

As mentioned above, every digital marketing tactic will have its own pros and cons. Some have more cons than others.

The biggest disadvantage of buying leads is that leads obtained this way are more accurately considered as prospects. That means when contacting these leads, they will be a little bit surprised since they may not have heard about you before.

However, all leads, regardless of being obtained by whichever tactic, will need to be contacted to keep them “warm”. Therefore, even when leads obtained by paid ads will also need to be contacted, and there’s a chance that they will just ignore you.

Having said that, buying leads still has many advantages for businesses (if you buy from a reliable lead provider)

  • Buying leads is much more affordable than using ads to generate leads.
  • Buying leads allows you to generate leads super fast
  • There are a few lead databases like Limeleads that will help you generate very specific leads down to where they live, their job titles, companies, etc. Limeleads provides 11+ data points that will provide great insight into the leads that you’re going reach out to.
  • Buying leads is way simpler than generating leads by using other lead gen strategies
  • Reliable lead providers make sure you get valid contact information.

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How to find and buy excellent verified travel leads?

Finding a reliable lead database to generate excellent travel leads isn’t as simple as you may think.

There are many data providers out there on the Internet who claim to be providing the best data, but the reality can totally be different.

If you use a bad one, you will certainly do more harm to your business since the leads are not valid and your campaigns will receive very bad performance.

If you’re running cold email campaigns to reach out to your leads, having bad performance stats such as open rate and reply rate can harm your email deliverability because it sends a spam signal to servers and email providers to discredit your next emails.

So, how can we find a good lead provider? Well, the only way to truly find out whether or not a lead provider is trustworthy or not is to try them for real. However, you should look for the following points to minimize the risk for your business.

  • Look for services that provide free trials.
  • Ignore the ones that require credit cards when signing up.
  • Ask if they provide any sort of refund
  • Find out if their customer support is good or not. Meaning whether or not their customer support will help you get through things while using their platforms.
  • Ask if they provide any discount for first-time clients

At Limeleads, an industry-leading lead database, we provide all the above-mentioned and many more such as a $79 detailed cold emailing course free of charge, expert support, and 2 layers of real-time email verification to make sure all the leads that you obtained from us are verified and valid.

Simply sign up here for an account and get your free trials with us. We guarantee a risk-free experience for you. No credit card is required!

Best tips for nurturing travel leads

Lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with potential customers as they progress through the marketing funnel.

For travel companies, email can be an effective tool for nurturing leads and moving them from the dreaming stage to making a booking.

By creating a lead nurturing campaign, you can deepen your relationships with leads, understand their needs and desires, and develop a strategy to meet those needs and convert leads into sales. Below are some tips for an effective lead nurturing campaign.

  • Utilize targeted content: Effectively nurture your leads with content that is tailored to their specific interests, goals, objectives, and marketing triggers.
  • Implement multi-channel lead nurturing techniques: Expand beyond email nurturing by using advanced marketing automation platforms to carry out multi-channel lead nurturing strategies.
  • Personalize your approach: Customize your interactions with leads to make them feel appreciated and understood.
  • Share valuable information: Provide your leads with helpful and relevant information to assist them in making informed travel decisions.
  • Present exclusive offers and promotions: Attract your leads with special deals and promotions that are only accessible to them.
  • Leverage social proof: Build trust and credibility with your leads by sharing customer reviews and testimonials.
  • Prompt follow-ups: Follow up with leads promptly to maintain their engagement and interest in your offerings.
  • Maintain contact: Keep in touch with your leads, even if they are not ready to book yet, to keep your brand at the forefront of their minds and increase the likelihood of future bookings.


You can try generating leads by using other strategies such as paid ads, SEO & lead magnets, etc. However, they usually require a lot of time and effort (in the case of SEO) or a big budget (in the case of paid ads) in order to generate verified travel leads effectively.

We recommend trying paid ads and a reliable lead database at the same time, however, you should start slow with the paid ads to monitor the cost.

One thing about running paid ads for lead gen is that businesses often don’t get the correct cost per lead. The cost per lead shown in the ad platforms is not very accurate since there’s always a chance that these leads will just ignore you when you reach out to them. Therefore, there’s a need to get the right cost per lead figure to find out whether paid ads are for you or not.

If you get stuck anywhere in your travel lead generation journey, feel free to ask our experts at [email protected] or via our live chat support.

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