Hard Bounce vs. Soft Bounce – What’s the difference?

Marketing professionals sending out their first email marketing campaign are often surprised by how much they need to know. Do you know what the most troublesome term is? Hard bounce vs. soft bounce. Despite knowing that it is a deliverability issue, they still mix hard bounce and soft bounce. When an email fails to reach […]

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SMS Marketing vs. Email Marketing – Which One Is Better?

Keeping your customers hooked is a challenge. You can connect to your customers on a new level with an effective marketing strategy. Email marketing and SMS marketing both offer unique benefits. When it comes to SMS marketing vs. Email Marketing, it can be tricky to choose the best for your business. Email marketing has been […]

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What is a Hard Bounce in Email Marketing?

Whenever a hard bounce occurs, it means an email cannot be delivered for a permanent reason. When a soft bounce occurs, the issue is temporary. As soon as you begin email marketing, you’ll realize that you have to learn a new language. The terminology of email marketing is unique for every business, and each phrase […]

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Click to Open Rate (CTOR) – Definition & How to Optimize?

Many email marketers devote all of their effort to attempting to persuade recipients to open their messages. The reality is that this is only half of the struggle. How people respond to your call to action is more essential. At this point, measuring the click-to-open rate (CTOR) can be beneficial. It allows you to determine […]

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Sales Prospecting for Beginners – A Complete Guide

When it comes to sales and business development, sales prospecting is one of the most crucial aspects. Sales prospecting for beginners can be a challenging task. If you fail in sales prospecting, you can’t even generate revenues. The idea of prospecting is you are looking for an opportunity to make money, but the sales world […]

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